Emerald City Comic Con is the first Con I have done in years! It’s a special year for me because the book I have been working on with the Make a Wish Foundation and one incredibly creative young man is finally done! I will be attending ECCC Friday afternoon through Saturday. I will not be there Thursday or Sunday due to limitations in my own schedule and flight availability. As this kind old gentleman is pointing out for you, I will be at booth C14. (For reference that is right between C13 and C15).
Here are some of the things you can get from me at ECCC. These are exclusives for this con:
Axe Cop 11×17 Space Needle print by Ethan Nicolle and Brynn Metheney
This was the cover of issue #2 of the President of the World miniseries. It has never been sold as a print and I decided it was high time it was.
$20. Only 25 available
Bearmageddon Cover Painting
This will be the cover of the spanish edition of Bearmageddon. It’s pretty sweet. This is my first fully painted cover, done without help from any other artists. I made a special version for ECCC with the Space Needle on the skyline.
$17.50. Only 25 available
I’m kind of ridiculously excited about these. I have never sold anything like this before, but there is 12 pages of art, crayons, a Wexter or Octobear sticker and a lollipop in each one. You can pay extra to get a custom coloring page drawn by me at the Con if you choose.
$10. Only 25 Available
Sticker Sets!
These have never been available before. I’m going to test them out at the show and see how they do. The Axe Cop ones are from the very first limited edition screen print I sold a long time ago back when Axe Cop first came out. It’s like classic Axe Cop art. NOTE: These will be available if they get done in time
Bears of the Apocalypse
Axe Cop Classic Bad Guys
Axe Cop Classic Good Guys
I will also have Time Wreckers posters to give out. Time Wreckers is the big book I worked on with the Make a Wish Foundation. We will be doing a panel about it on Saturday evening. The book took 3 years and 50 artists, but it’s done! I’m really excited to hand the finished product off to Noah.
Besides all that, I will be taking commissions in sumi ink. Feel free to email me if you want to put an order in. I will also have all the Axe Cop volumes and a few copies of the cancelled Bearmageddon printed editions and a few Dickinson Killdeer’s Guide to Bears of the Apocalypse. I will also have the limited edition Axe Cop Songster Screen Prints.
I love to work with you on price and am happy to bundle stuff up at a reduced cost.
That should pretty well cover my little table. I hope you’ll come see me. Patreon members be sure to check the Patreon blog or secret Facebook group for our meet up.
And please remember, I will be there Friday afternoon until Saturday night. I will not be there Thursday or Sunday.
See you there!
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