One more page after this and, sadly, the hiatus begins.  But that’s only because, happily, I’ll be working on making this all into Bearmageddon volume 1.  I’m currently working at flatting pages myself, with the help of a couple others but there is plenty to do, so if you have a good handle on coloring in photoshop, let me know if you would be willing to flat some pages.  Just use the contact page and send me an email.  I have been posting some old concept art and “making” of stuff on the Patreon page for backers as I put together the extras for the book.

I’m excited to move on to the next chunk of this story, but it’s going to be a while before I can go there.  Moving on from Joel’s house to new parts of the city, finding new breeds of bears, new survivors… the story truly is still just beginning.  Thanks for being part of its inception.  See you next week with the final page of book 1!


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