One more page after this and, sadly, the hiatus begins. But that’s only because, happily, I’ll be working on making this all into Bearmageddon volume 1. I’m currently working at flatting pages myself, with the help of a couple others but there is plenty to do, so if you have a good handle on coloring in photoshop, let me know if you would be willing to flat some pages. Just use the contact page and send me an email. I have been posting some old concept art and “making” of stuff on the Patreon page for backers as I put together the extras for the book.
I’m excited to move on to the next chunk of this story, but it’s going to be a while before I can go there. Moving on from Joel’s house to new parts of the city, finding new breeds of bears, new survivors… the story truly is still just beginning. Thanks for being part of its inception. See you next week with the final page of book 1!
I see where this is going. All ties up nicely for book 1!
I was waiting for Joel to mention the Wow*Mart.
Aw man, I can’t wait to see besser again.
If they’re going to fight bears at Wow Mart–that would be awesome.
I honestly hope we end up at a zoo at some point. We were promised Bear vs Gorilla…
Aww…yeah! Wow-Mart Bear Battle hahaha! Great job for Book 1! I’m so glad I jumped in the middle of this and started reading before the end! I’m still anxious to order a copy! Heck! I know three different comic “boutique” stores in my “little big city” of Hattiesburg, MS who would LOVE to feature it downtown!
Please tell me you’re going to do a Kickstarter or something for this. I neeeeeeed this book in my life.
Stupid question, but the image on the website shows bat-bears. Are these the same as the flying squirrel bears?
Nope. Those are still yet to come. The bulk of the really insane bears really are yet to come. It was always meant to be a slow boil that starts out as a lot of normal bears and gets more and more insane as the take over continues.
Slow boil? One of the first Bears we got was the Octo-bear! If that & the mole-bear are keeping things normal, I’m paralyzed with anticipation over what the “weird” bears will be 😀
I consider those teasers 🙂
So wait, Don’t tell me, They are going to Bimart lol
Funny thing is, Besser is based on my friend Besser who used to work in the gun section of Bi-Mart in North Bend, OR. I changed his look but used his name because it’s the perfect name for a guy who sells guns.
Awesome! The name reminds me of some guy with a scratchy deep monotone voice behind a dusty old sporting goods counter!
Ha! My apocalypse/WWIII/zombie plans have always included raiding the Bi-Mart near my place. Guns, ammo, outdoor supplies, canning/preservation goods, food, clothing, medicine, hardware…AND SUCH REASONABLE PRICES! Haha.
Dudes. Dudettes. If there’s a Bi-Mart in your area, it’s worth the $5 lifetime membership. =D They’re like a tiny little local Costco with a lot of what you need at a decent price.
Okay, done gushing. Bring the bears!
If you could do us all a favor, could you make a page giving the details as to when and where we will be able to purchase book 1?
Yep I will as soon as I have that info!
Just saw a story about a guy who really needs a cameo in this strip. Google “Carl Moore bear punch”. He’s a 73-year-old who purportedly punched a bear in the face to save his dog.
Cool I wonder if ken died.
I think we’ll get to see him die